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tv   Stossel  FOX News  April 13, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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this entire panel, well guys, i'm sorry. that is wrap on news watch this week. thanks to our panel. i'm rick folbaum. keep it right here on the fox news channel. >> gregg: show down with north korea. unpredictable regime surprise the world once again by appearing to lower tensions after weeks of aggressive rhetoric and provocative actions. good afternoon. glad you are with us. i'm gregg jarrett. >> terry: could be with you and government officials, i'm arthel nevil. >> they say they are have not moved any mobile missiles in the last few days. greg palkot is streaming live from seoul less than 30 miles
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from the south korean border. greg? >> they are working overtime trying to figure out what the heck is going on up north. after days of signs that north korea was shifting those dangerous mid-range missiles around, even putting the launchers up to firing positions they now say they are tucked away again. a senior u.s. official here in the region told us he, too, felt that a launch was not imminent. still those missiles of mobile and that means we are told they could be readyed in hours. meanwhile, in pyongyang they are continuing preparations for a huge celebration on monday, the birthday of kim il-sun he is the grandfather of kim jongs un and that kai day could be a target for that launch. they threatened war once again. finally back here in seoul we saw yet another anti-war
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protest. analysts do note an interesting shift in tone in the last few days. pretty hard line government in south korea, now they are talking about talks with the north, even about renewing aid delivery to that very impoverished country. all while they are still ready for any trouble on this very volatile peninsula. >> greg palkot, thank you very much for that report from seoul, south korea. >> gregg: first time in president obama's administration neither he nor the vice president joe biden delivered the weekly address. the replacement is the mother of a boy that was killed in the newtown shooting making a deeply personal plea for all americans to take action to end gun violence. >> i heard people say the tidal wave of anguish has receded, but not for us. to us, it feels as if it
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happened just yesterday. in the four months since we lost our loved ones, thousands of other americans have died at the end of a gun. thousands have other families across the united states are also drowning in our grief. >> gregg: little ben's mom was personally asked by president obama to deliver his weekly address focusing on the need for tighter gun control in this country. elizabeth pran reporting from washington. >> president asked newtown mother to give the speech in light of the ongoing gun regulation debate. her six-year-old son was murdered in his classroom during the sandy hook school shooting back in december. she was visibly shaken during her powerful address. >> we have to convince the senate to come together and pass common sense gun reforms that will make our communities safer and prevent more tragedies that
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we never thought would happen to us. >> reporter: she is among many faces we have seen in washington this weeks as victims' families have been attending the debate on the proposed gun law. some others, mitch mcconnell and mike lee says it's not getting to the heart of the problem. government shouldn't punish law abiding citizens that exercise second amendment rights and this legislation is more like an band-aid not addressing regulations. >> my concern it restricts the rights of law abiding citizens and doesn't do anything to deter the kind of gun violence that occurred at sandy hook which all of us would like to eliminate. this is kind of law that is confusing and vague for law abiding, but very easy for criminals to get around. >> the senate zbtd scheduled to begin on tuesday. even though the senators did vote 68-31 to allow the debate
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to begin there are still ways members could stall the final passage of bill. >> gregg: elizabeth, thanks. >> authorities investigating the death of a texas district attorney have charged a former justice of the peace with making a terrorist threat. he is in police custody. his home was searched as part of the investigation. williams has not been named a suspect in the march 30th death of the district attorney and his wife at their home or in the late january death of assistant d.a. mark hasse who was fatally shot. williams was convicted of theft last year which according to the reports was the reason he lost his job. >> gregg: carnival cruises says u.s. taxpayers should be paying for the rescue of the crippled ship in mexico. in response to a letter, the
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cruise line says all maritime interests must assist without question without question those in trouble at sea and that is $800,000 in costs and more than $3 million for the stranding of the carnival splendor in 2010. the gang of eight senators have reportedly reached an agreement. the group finding common ground on several sticking points after months of intense negotiations. so, what can we expect when they roll out the new plan come tuesday. joining us now, jamie weinstein who is the senior editor of the daily cooler. the gang of 8, we're talking about visas on undocumented farm workers. what further details of the agreement and it might indicate
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as overall immigration reform or perhaps signing off on a full plan? >> tuesday, they are going unveil the bill. that is what we're told. on wednesday they will begin hearings, at least one hearing, some senators especially marco rubio want more than one hearing but the details of the bill are most significant is the question what do you do with the 11 million illegal immigrants in the u.s. what the bill, what we're told, it will say is that it will provide a provisional status for about ten years, illegal immigrants who have been here at least two years will be able to apply and get -- they have to pay back taxes as well as a fine. >> a green card? >> no, they get provisional status then after ten years they can apply for a green card.
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then green card, will they be able to apply for citizenship. the whole process may take 13-15 years if they are lucky, 20 years some people are saying from the time they get the provisional status to citizenship potentially. otherwise, they can remain on the provisional status that would prevent them from being deported which is the number one issue. >> there is cutoff date of december 31, 2011, if you were here before then you are eligible and if not.... >> right. that is the diartd in the senate bill that will be the cutoff. if you remember the last several years there has been a net zero immigration. there haven't been many immigrants coming over the border in united states. there hasn't been that much net immigration over that period of time. partly because the economy shear not as great as it was a half
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decade ago and partly because the fertility rate has dropped considerably. there is not much of a need to go north to find jobs. >> as you know the house is working on an immigration overhaul plan, as well. what do you think the house plan will align with the gang of eight's plan? >> there is their own version. there is another gang of eight and they are working on a bipartisan plan as well. some of the details that ever leaked out, roughly similar to what the gang of eight is working on in the senate. the whole question is once that passes the senate and the house, has their own bill, what will happen in the house? will republicans rally around the bill? will speaker boehner have to support a bill that is not supported by the majority of the republicans in the caucus? it may depend on democrats to pass it. so that is up in the air. while legislators may be
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cautiously optimistic with a deal being done in the house and senate and get a bill, once this sees the light of day and trying to debate and amend it anything could happen. >> speaking of the house. you have to focus on the could conservatives who say, nobody should be eligible for any kind of path to citizenship if we don't secure our borders first. that is main sticking point for them? >> in the senate bill that is one of big points of emphasis when you see the bill on tuesday. they are saying before that you can even get a green card a decade from now, the border has to be so secure that nine out of ten immigrants that are trying to sneak over the border are caught. it would have to have 90% effectively catching immigrants coming over before those here on provisional status can apply for a green card. that seems like a tall hill, but that is what it looks like will be in the senate bill when it is laid out here on tuesday. >> they are proposing a creation
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of a assess border security. let's talk about this. let's talk about timing and how crucial it is. some say it would be better for the g.o.p., republican party to submit a plan and get it through congress before the summer recess. we know there is a lot of political power and positioning at stake here. should it be rushed or should they take their time? >> certainly there are two sides of this coin. there is a lot of people that wanted to get it done. they want to solve this problem. a lot of people, especially the opponents of the bill, wanted to slow down the process, they want to have it open so they can raise their concerns and in many ways that is an obvious point, they want debate on the issue. they don't want it thrust through in the dark of the night. marco rubio says there should be debated on this not like the healthcare bill was rushed through. he wants all sides to weigh in.
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there are people that want to see it done quickly and others hoe want a prolonged debate. it's unclear whether this will be done before the august recess. >> then you have midterm elections and nobody wants to get anything done. okay, jamie, thanks for your time. we want to remind everybody, be sure and catch fox news sunday, florida senator marco rubio sits down with chris wallace sits down to talk about the immigration bill and big changes that could be on the way. check your local listings for the times. >> gregg: fox extreme weather, another strong spring storm is taking shape. cold, snow, rain and thunderstorms are developing from the rockies to the plains in the upper midwest in many of the same areas that were hit hard this past week.
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meteorologist janice dean. >> it feels like groundhog day in terms of the storms hitting the same areas. we have cold air to the north, warm air to the south and potential for severe weather in between and cold enough for feet of snow in areas that saw a foot or more. let's take a look at radar. fairly quiet. calm before the storm. we're going to see the next storm system move from the rockies across the plane states and upper midwest. you can see some of the snow flying. we have a disturbance across the great lakes that is bringing light rain and snow showers. here is the next main event. look at all of the snow that is going to pile up across the northern plains, upper midwest as well as parts of colorado. then we're going to see the severe threat unfortunately starting tomorrow and lasting through wednesday and thursday. look at that snow around the denver area. temperatures in the 60s, temperatures dropping to the 30s in the next couple of days.
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there is the forecast, precipitation where it is warm enough for rain, we'll get an inch but cold enough for snow, even up to 18 inches of snow around the rockies. as we head into tomorrow through tuesday. the severe threat, potential for hail, damaging winds and tornadoes, we saw hundreds of reports of severe weather last week. some of the same areas will get hit again. unfortunately potential for strong storms, this is through monday. oklahoma up towards missouri and illinois and parts of arkansas into tuesday, starting with texas up towards oklahoma rather and into missouri. that will presents eastward. severe threat heading into thursday. highs tomorrow, the boundary between the cold air and warm unstable air mass. one of the main ingredients for severe weather. talking about denver, 64 today, monday, 41, tuesday that storm,
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32 and wednesday, 27 degrees. a temperature drop of over 30 degrees over the next couple of days as the storm moves through and we'll stop the forecast with a lighter note. beautiful spring conditions for d.c. they have the bloomgs in full gear right now and new york looks pretty good heading into tuesday as well as boston, cherry blossoms is what i want to say. >> gregg: and they last a nanosecond so i better enjoy it while you can. >> going green is costing hawaii? a big way. the state is in the top ten nationally in terms of solar production. that should be a good thing but the generous tax credit given to businesses and homeowners is blowing a hole in the state's budget. dominic is live in los angeles with details. >> reporter: we all know hawaii
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is bathed in plenty of sunlight. the state lawmakers in hawaii have proposed a tax break which hands homeowners and businesses a big writeoff on the cost of installing could solar panels. but some say it works far too well at taxpayer's expense and the battle to kill the solar tax credit. take a listen. >> solar panels are spreading across the rooftops in hawaii. one reason there is a huge drop in utility bills in hundreds of dollars a month to less than 20. but they give a 35% tax investment on an investment costing tens of thousands of dollars. so they have installed solar panels without the tax break? >> oh, no. >> that is the problem for state lawmakers who wanted to reduce the state's dependency on
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imported oil but can't afford the tax breaks that took $174 million out of the state treasury last year. >> we want to support this kind of energy use, but not at expense of taxpayers. >> whether the break should stay environmentalists say it should. lawmakers seem to agree on one thing. >> you cannot sustain this rate of expenditure for one particular thing. it's time to get off the training wheels and run on their own. >> reporter: the state tax break is in addition to 30% federal benefit. if you can't afford it up front, it's a huge leg up for people. one of complaints homeowners and businesses are getting tax breaks if 42 add more solar panels they need and sell the surface electricity back to the
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power company. >> thank you very much. >> gregg: we are just now getting started. i want to tell you about the new gun control laws not actually sitting well with a whole bunch of sheriffs in one state. we'll talk to one of them. tell you where it is happening and what they plan to do about it. >> plus, gregg's favorite segment, back to the future and other cultural touch stones of the 1980s. it's airing a mini series on the decade that loomed so large today. >> gregg: i was rocking witness the walkman. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the distances aren't getting shorter. ♪ the trucks are going farther. the 2013 ram 1500 with best-in-class fuel economy.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> arthel: time for a quick check of the headlines, more than a hundred passengers and crew members survive a terrifying crash in indonesia. this plane overshooting a runway and falling into the sea near bali. dozens of people were injured but none appear to be seriously hurt. >> gregg: pope francis selecting nine cardinals to be new advisors. they will weigh in on running the church and first meeting
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planned for october one. >> arthel: tiger woods, he was given a two-shot penalty but was not disqualified. he was spared thanks to a new rule that allows players to stay in the game based on television evidence. >> gregg: big problems this week for anybody holding the online virtual currency caught bit coins. bit coins. the price is reaching more than $250 on wednesday and then suddenly it crashed around $54 by friday. this is the treasury department is clarifying its position on dealing with bit coins. anita. i just love saying that. >> it's a little bit weird. some call it a ponzi scheme but some say its high-tech
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alternative to cold, hard cash. it's making headlines as a virtual currency. it was developed in 2009 by an unknown person or group and is the first digital dough not backed by any government. the coins are only generated by computers. you can earn them by solving mathematical formulas or buy them from special websites. you can buy goods to legal to illegal. a number of vendors recently starting accepting them. using a special app they can process your bit coin payment with software and some businesses actually prefer it. >> it usually takes a while for them to send the mow than to your bank account. with this the money is in the next morning. >> some currency analysts saying seeing is believing and it's
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hard to put stock in something that was worth $266 and two days later was down to $70. >> that kind of volatility when you can see 73% of your wealth lost is not something that people like to see. >> reporter: the main website that handles bit coin transactions say the sell-off occurred with a high volume of trade that the website couldn't handle. they say it exposed the ponzi scheme nature of product. i don't know about you, gregg, i like to hear the change jingling in my pocket. >> gregg: unless i can't put it under my pla mattress i don't want it. thanks a lot. its bit risky, don't you think. >> arthel: i would say. is it possibly confusing. >> gregg: bit coins.
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i could say it all day. >> arthel: moving on, coming from the u.s. and china, they are calling for new talks. senator kerry is looking for a peaceful solution. >> gregg: and house blown off its foundation. what is left of it. that is next. >> when your wife says you are bleeding, i seen her whole face and hair full of blood. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness?
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>>. >> arthel: back to the top story the u.s. embarking on a series of high stake meetings to help calm the crisis on the korean peninsula. john kerry remains in the region as he tries to urge leaders there to help the pressure on the north korean government. >> china and the united states
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must together take steps in order to achieve the goal of de-nuclearized korean peninsula and we agreed to have further discussions to bear down on exactly how we will accomplish this goal. >> arthel: let's get more from molly henneberg. she is joining us live from washington. >> molly: secretary kerry was in beijing meeting with top chinese leaders. he said afterwards, both countries, the u.s. and china are urging north korea not to make a tense situation even worse. >> we both on north korea to refrain from any provocative steps. that obviously refers to future missile shoot. i said yesterday in seoul, i addressed it and i called it both unwise and unnecessary and unwanted and provocative. >> molly: today secretary kerry
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said the u.s. and china share a, quote, joint commitment to get rid of nuclear weapons on the peninsula. chinese has any sway on the north korean regime as one of the biggest trade partners as a close ally. one of china's fierce is that north korea collapses as a country and they are flooded with refugees. they said today after meeting with secretary kerry, china's position is consistent and clear-cut. china is firmly committed to uphold go a peace and stability and advancing the de-nuclearization process. china has leverage over north korea that it is not using. >> i think they could do a lot more. all they have to do is turn off the fuel and turn off the food and things change in a hurry.
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>> kerry said martin dempsey and william burns will travel later to china in the month to follow up on the discussions. >> arthel: molly henneberg, thanks vfl. >> john kerr have i reaching out to china to help diffuse the crisis but how have we handled the threat from north korea so far? our next guest, wrote a piece got our attention saying the white house is going about it all wrong, christian whiten joins us. good to see you. by making it known in advance that any u.s. response would be limited, that is to say proportional to the provocation or even less, is president obama projecting weakness at a time when strength is demanded? >> that is exactly right. it's bizarre that the white house would leak this even if it had this policy internally. ask your selves who would suffer
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more from a low intends but prolonged conflicted they shoot one at us and we shoot one back at them? is it north korea who doesn't care about the welfare of its own people or south korea which a thriving economy but one that heavily dependent on trade and investment that would enter a crisis almost immediately during a prolonged spat with north korea. it's really a naive approach. >> gregg: they said they would l not shoot down a north korean missile unless it poses a threat to a populated area. why not shoot it down regardless in a show of strength? >> that is right. it's unfortunate. there are two reasons, one, president obama and his administration cancelled the boeing airborne laser which was experimental which could have shot down a rocket in the boost phase. any rocket test, even when it ends in failure provides useful
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information. there is a compelling reason just because this government is so unpredictable and dangerous, i think there is a case to be made to take out this capability before it is brought to bear, whether it's brought against japan or any place. >> gregg: and iran during this two-week period of time, so call crisis in north korea, iran continues to increase its ui rain yun production.away from td talks on april 6th, international meetings there and then the next day, april 7th a top lawmaker says iran will never halt its nuclear development program. i suspect tehran has got to be loving the distraction offered by pyongyang? >> maybe john kerry can set up another prolonged talks that lead to nothing and go and put words in the mouths of our
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adversaries saying he is bringing pressure to iran. china is not putting pressure on north korea. the executive branch had more bureaucrats staffing various other principals of government and yet washington cannot chew gum and walk at the same time. just a as the north korean threat emerged when the washington was focused on the middle east, now it seems the opposite can happen. nowhere, not with north korea, not with iran does anyone in the washington establishment has something new in the play books that can destabilizize the regimes. they say they have a weaponized nuclear warhead. only way we're going to get security is for regimes to feel real internal pressure. >> gregg: i note that april 10th the day that an earthquake actually rattled iran's only nuclear power plant, they
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announced suddenly we're going to build more of them. i wonder if iran is watching all of this and deciding we're just going to follow the playbook set forth by north korea because they have maybe a dozen nuclear weapons so far and they have gotten away with it? >> that is highly likely. a perfect storybook example. iran is being a little more coy. they are at least having the appearance of involving themselves in negotiations. it's not like north korea where they told the iaea to take a hike and threatening war. they are being a little more nuance but ultimately iran is revolutionary regime and wants to increase its power and doing it politically throughout the region. and taking a page from the book of north korea and with north korea, i think we're going to wake up one day and iran will have a nuclear weapons capability or all of the segments that can be connected
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easily. >> gregg: if the mullah's see weakness with respect to obama's administration, that gives an added incentive to accelerate their nuclear program? >> one of other problems about a tit-for-tat rather than overwhelming retaliation, another problem is the distance what we have been putting between our allies and us. john kerry wasn't just talking to china. he was over in south korea probably schooling them. we have been preaching them not to overreact to a north korean attack, possibly not to react and sending the same message to japan. and in the middle of this crisis, we chose friday to lecture japan about its currency devaluation which is doing the same thing that the fed has done since 2007. japan is following suit and basically the government saying, putting them on double probation
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for doing it. north korea has to be looking at this. >> gregg: international version of animal house. >> arthel: gun control debate heating up in colorado. what law enforcement there is doing to push that against some of the toughest new gun laws in the country. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! i'm up next, but now i'm sging the heartburn blues.
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>>. >> gregg: the gun control battle is certainly heating up in colorado. more than half of the state's sheriffs planning a lawsuit to challenge the sweeping gun restrictions, new laws passed last month, set limits on ammunition and expand background checks. one of shows sheriffs joins us now, john cook, thanks for being with us. why are you against these new laws? >> it's a pleasure tour be here
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but i'm against them and two-thirds of sheriffs are because they are unenforceable and we believe they violate second and 14th amendment rights. >> gregg: supreme court in the famous heller case, yes the second amendment says it's right to possess a firearm but reasonable restrictions can be imposed. we'll put it on the screen. like most rights the second amendment right is not unlimited. it is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever for whatever purpose. the court's opinion should not be taken to cast out on laws, imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. so, sheriff, with all due respect, how are you going to win if the highest courts have said the gun control measures
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are legal? >> you said the key word there which was reasonable. we don't believe these are reasonable. the magazine ban basically outlaws the position of all magazines. they are saying any magazine that can be readily adjusted for cleaning is illegal. >> gregg: i thought with anything with 15 rounds or more? >> no, what it says any magazine that can be readily modified will be illegal. any magazine that you possess can be readily modified because you can clean that magazine. you can take the spring out for replacement. they are basically outlawing all magazines. it's like saying you can drive a car but you can't own the tires. >> gregg: you know what, since the heller case, there have been more than 80 lawsuits like yours brought challenging gun control measures and not a single one of them has prevailed.
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how is yours any different? >> like i said, i believe ours is different the way the law was written. both the background bill and the magazine bill is very vague. that is violation of the 14th amendment. the 14th amendment says laws have to be which are and understandable so people know that they are violating them. these laws people won't know. even well-trained law enforcement officers are confused. >> gregg: last question, you are quoted as saying that you are going to refuse to enforce the new laws. aren't you sworn to uphold the law and by refusing to do so, aren't you in breach of your duty? >> i did say i will not enforce them and i won't enforce them. you but i was elected by the people to set priorities for law enforcement in my county. turning law abiding citizens into criminal criminals is not my priority. >> gregg: you sworn your oath to
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uphold the law? >> i swore to uphold the constitution of the united states and constitution of the united states. colorado law does not say i have to pull over everything in the wall. we set priorities. we have discretion in law enforcement. my discretion is not to enforce these laws that are going to make law abiding citizens criminals. >> gregg: best of luck to you. >> arthel: coming up the history the music, the hair, love it or hate it, the '80s were pretty iconic. the fall of the berlin wall. coming up next, inside look at matt's new mini series, the '80s decade that made us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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relieve back pain by allowing you to adjust the firmness and support to conform to your body for a more proper spinal alignment. just look at this research... ® 93% of participants experienced back-pain relief. plus it's a great value because it costs about the same an innerspring yet lasts twice as long. so if you want to sleep better or find relief for your bad back, call now. call the number on your screen for your free information kit with dvd brochure and price list. call now and we'll include a free $50 savings card. call now for your free information and this free $50 savings card. call now! >>. >> arthel: are you kidding me.
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walk down memory lane of the 1980s the days of pacman and rubiks curb. linsten is going to be talking to us about the decade there. let's take a look at some of the things that happened in the '80s which is the decade that made us. >> as they would have it, ronald reagan begins his election campaign just as the public mood starts to lift. ronald reagan wins by a landslide. >> i will do my utmost to justify your faith. >> he takes office, all the remaining hostages are free. >> arthel: why do the 80s have such a hold on us. lynn is here, the subpoena of production and development for the national geographic channel.
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i'm very excited about this segment because the '80s is something we all love. what would you say about the '80s, is it politics or pop culture? >> it's everything. it is a decade of incredible innovation and technology, in the media and in fashion and in music. it was a time of political and social change. the influence of the '80s on now that is why we call it decade that made us, it has created the world we are today. >> arthel: we were showing shots of berlin wall coming down. world for sure?al moment that >> what we've done we have found those eyewitness moments, key people and interviewed them. plus we have exclusive footage and icons of the decade.
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>> arthel: they are on the series? >> jane fonda, ted turner, calvin klein, quincy jones, nina blackwood. steven tyler. >> arthel: so you are talking about the pop culture aspect of it. one of the big shows that you want to think about, the cosby show. that is '80s. let's take a look at it. >> i'm not going to college. >> damn right. >> it was once a throwback to 50s sitcom. >> cosby helps tear down the walls not just racists but generations. >> arthel: i love it. you interviewed. he has kept up and moved forward and took that as a real jumping-off point to do so much in his career. we love that.
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i want to ask you. we love the cosby show and so much '80s. is it a collective group of us desire to go back to the '80's a's or specific group of people. >> i think it's collective. we did a survey that showed that people today, people that were not alive or barrel alive in the '80s are still so interested in the '80s. they also surveyed 58% of the people said they would vote for reagan over obama. so incredible results. >> arthel: times people remember they felt, good times of the 1980s. you met gregg jarrett. we want to bring gregg into the conversation. >> gregg: computers went from a toy to everybody buying them. >> it was interesting in the '80s, it was a decade of like me and of i. walkman started.
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personal music and personal computer. the home video. the software and giant brick. there was amazing innovation but it became about us. >> arthel: and he is narrate go the show and big star. we'll be looking forward to this on national geographic. three night mini series, the decade that made us, april 14th at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. >> gregg: lynn, thanks so much for being with us. that does it for us. cavuto on business is next. take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward
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here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered monkey-style kung fu? no. priceline is different now. you don't even have to bid. master hahn taught you all that? oh, and he says to say (translated from cantonese) "you still owe him five bucks." your accent needs a little work.
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